Thursday, December 30, 2010

seond half of season 3 preview

it was a really cool preview with lots of interesting stuff like a new evil Sith bad guy or trees growing around Obi-Wan and Ahsoka or seeing Feluca again or a buch of clone clambing a clif with purple lighting coming out of things stuck to the clif,but the best part of the preview was the end and it looks like Ahsoka goes to the dark side! or so it looks. but nothing is for sure"after all it is star wars and any thing can happen". it all so look like they go to pandora ( haha). talk about Si-Fi movie war. It also looks like Ahsoka tries to kill Anakin. Some think that she does not and some think she does up it is, but to you to decide if it looks like she does or does not. I think she does.It also looks like all them prequels lare gone ( Thank the Lord)! I mean some wear good but they just go so old! so this next half looks great! I can't wait! Cheek out this awesome look at the next half of season 3!


  1. Great preview! I can't wait for the new episodes! :)


  2. I do hope that isn't Echo or Fives in carbonite though...that would be so sad.


  3. It would be. your user name is because of him right? Echo_girl for echo? I my self liked season 3 so far. I think we got to see a more to to Si-Fi show. and truer to Star wars its self. Star wars is not just mass killing. that is not want War is all about and that is not what star wars is all about.

    awesome blog Rover!

  4. Sen.Elleon yes, my username is because of Echo, who happens to be my favorite clone character in TCW. I'm impressed, most people didn't guess that. :)


  5. Well thanks it would be weird to be called Echo if you did not like that clone or live in a cave. did you vote for him on the poll?


  6. Sen.Elleon yes, I did vote for him on the poll. I also voted for Fives, since I like him too and he didn't have any votes yet. Who did you vote for?

  7. I did not vote. I liked the clones but I do not have a fav. I like the people from the movies best. I like Rex. Fives is cool too.


  8. Hey nice article! Hello echo_girl! Nice to see I'm not the only one who saw rover's link! Hope we get to talk here! :)

  9. Hi Natalie! Nice to see you too! :)



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